Category: Uncategorized

Day 28: Layover

Prescott, WI Today I woke up to strong winds blowing. I was looking at a 20-25 mph headwind. I decided to spend another day in Prescott, WI. I grabbed my camera gear and went out to photograph the town. I stopped by the No Name Saloon to talk with some fellow bikers. I miss that

Day 22: The People

2 river miles north of Clearwater,MN to Dayton, MN I began the day by getting up and moving quick. I felt a little rain coming down and I did not have the rain fly on my tent last night. I packed everything up just before it started raining. I heard a light rumble in the

Day 21: The fight

I woke up early this morning because, David, was going to shoot some video with his helicopter camera system. I got on the water and he started recording. I should be getting the video shortly. When I do, I will post it. I enjoyed the early Saturday morning paddle. You could see the neighboors tending