
My name is Rich Brand I am a Professional Adventurer / Explorer / Inspirationist
This philosophy is the foundation of my inner ‘drive’. This life comes and goes at a high rate of speed. I believe in chasing your dreams, taking on challenges and facing them head on is a way to live a life well lived. This life’s adventure is one that has so many moments. I aim to catch as many of them as possible.
Captured Heartbeats is an adventure based company setting out to inspire others to adventure while photographing the rarely seen people, culture, and environment. While based in Denver, Colorado, the adventures are regional and national. I live to show you what is possible. “Someday” is not guaranteed. I thrive today while, working to raise an awareness for our everyday surroundings through getting out there.
2018 Expedition
Duration: 365+ days June 01, 2018 - June/July, 2019
Beginning in the Saguenay River in Quebec, Canada, I will paddle upstream to the Great Lakes. I will work my way through all five of the Great Lakes until I hit Chicago, Illinois. I will paddle down the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans. I will take a brief break before heading around Florida again. The goal will be not only the miles and the duration of a full year, but it will be to help others in need, to give motivational talks with schools across the country, and to show a younger generation what is possible when you make a dedicated commitment to a goal.